Data Science is a relatively new term in the employment world. It is really not new, but has just come into the limelight. Why? Because we now have tons of data, more than tons, but what can we do with it? It contains much knowledge. How do we get it, and what do we do with it?
The goal is to:
At the Data Science Summit in 2011, Data science was defined as:
* Having strong analytic and statistic skills
* Computer Science
* Domain Knowledge
Decision Sciences is a field of study that began in the mid 1960's. Unfortunately, not many universities still offer this realm, for a number of reasons. That is truly unfortunate. It consists of mathematics with a strong emphasis on statistics, computer science, and some psychology. Areas of application are added in, from business to intelligence.
My education:
* BS in Computer and Information Science and Electrical Engineering
* MS in Decision Sciences
* PhD in Decision Sciences with a minor in Computer Science
* Post doctoral work in Computational BioScience, Design and Analysis of Simulation Experiments, and Statistical Design Methodology.